Life Beyond body & mind
We are not just body and mind, but we are Body, Mind & Consciousness.
Consciousness do exits with or with out body & mind.
When Consciousness stays in body & mind, we exist in this physical plane.
Can one do things without body & mind?
Yes. We can do things thousand times more than what one can do with body & mind alone.
How to do things without body & mind?
First one has to understand the Reality.
Reality is:One is not just body & mind. But he stays in body & mind.
Then he starts wondering the origin of his existence.
He will understand that:
All his thoughts, actions, works are governed and monitored through his Consciousness.
Then why he can not think and act according to his own feelings?
It is because he believes he is just body & mind. He works through his mind.
Once one understands that he is the Consciousness and starts living with this Knowledge, then he will see miracles happening within himself.
How to attain this state?
1. One has to live with the moment in total.
2. One has to experience what ever comes to him as experiences.
3. Increase his Core Energy by being in the Cosmic Shower. It can be attained in deep silence, in Meditation and being in Meditative state during waking hours.
4. One has to understand his grand existence through his life experiences and through Inner Journey.
5. Being in the Path.